Tuesday, November 27, 2018

My first reaction to the video.

- They stayed very movie oriented
- Had a lot of tech and screens yet the people still felt as if they were in the environment because of the effects of the splash, sound etc. 
- They made it as believable as possible
- Making the passenger boat ship like
-  Looked entertaining

What connecting was able to make.

- In the ride, they made a sort of fight scene between the characters. Sort of like the movie scenes.
- Sort of having this end prize of gold, money.

What changes would you make if another medium?

- I sort of like the fact its half tech and a half actually there like still props I think if that wasn't the case it wouldn't be as believable.
- Maybe if they had more elements of interaction and fewer areas of just staring at a conversation between you and this character.

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My first reaction to the video. - They stayed very movie oriented - Had a lot of tech and screens yet the people still felt as if they...